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Community Needs Town HallIn collaboration with the 100% Chaves Initiative, the Anna, Age Eight Institute is hosting a town hall for providers, and community...
FEMA Hotline for Individual AssistanceThe declaration provides assistance to individuals, households and businesses in the affected areas of Chaves County. To find out if you...
Are you impacted by flooding in Chaves County?The Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) is here to support families impacted by recent flooding. ECECD has temporarily...
Young Adult Homeless PreventionSOAR (Supporting Opportunity for Achievement and Resilience) is a visionary project dedicated to addressing the critical needs of...
Creating affordable housingRehab2Rental is a program provided by 100% Chaves County through HagermanForward and MFA. Qualifying property owners of a home that is...
Public Water StationsAs the temperatures rise during the hot summer months, it is crucial to prioritize staying hydrated to avoid the dangers of dehydration....